Fushigi Yugi (Manga)

Hello my dears tonight I’m running down memory lane and thinking of Fushigi Yugi in between ‘sports’ anime reviews with an old fashioned time turner. So we start our story with two good friends Miaka Yuki and Yui Hongo. While fooling around with an old dusty book the girls find themselves in ancient China! Miaka is taken on as the Priestess of Suzaku, destined to collect the Seven Celestial Warriors under Suzaku to have her wishes granted. However, she gets a bit side tracked since she falls in love with one of her warriors and must remain chaste. She even has some problems in the friendship area when its revealed that she’s not the only priestess and that Yui’s experiences in China were not as gentle and welcoming as Miaka’s.

Throughout the series there is no shortage of awkwardness between the would be lovers Miaka and Tamahome (who consequentially catches the eye of Yui, Of course). Miaka takes her role as a priestess with hesitation until she figures out she can make a wish, including one where she goes to the same school with her best friend. However, aside from the collection of warriors, there are a lot of things she does not yet know about China, back in the day various artifacts that come into play, agendas, and her own strength that she has yet to find.But just how far is she willing to go to gain Suzaku’s favor? Dealing with various celestial beings and odd situations such as cross dressing warriors also this kind of story would not be complete without at least one doppelganger incident.

There is not really much to say. You start off in modern day Japan in a school and then after checking out an old scroll – Tada! you are in ancient China! Sure there are some celestial areas involved but there is not really much more than that to say.

The art favors the old fashioned styles of course, pretty floral designs and such now that I’m older I realize the story is not as impressive as I once thought… Maybe it’s more like high school in ancient China than anything else which sort of disappoints me now as I start going through my older books to donate. However, it does remind me that I have Ceres Celestial Legend that I can look forward to writing about along with Red River. I like to say sometimes the oldest things are best however this is one of those stories that prove to be an exception to the statement. It’s not terrible, but it’s not great either. I think the one worst thing that happened in the manga was when Yui thought she was raped. Anyways, not rave review good night my dears.


This is Atlas-K and I’m finally back on the beat after spending a few weeks on travel. Today I’ll be reviewing one of my all-time favorite anime/manga series, Bastard!!! 

While this series runs as both, I’ll be reviewing the one shot anime series that ran in the early 90’s. It ran six episodes and all are available on DVD. The Manga, unfortunately only had 19 of its 27 volumes translated to English. Essentially, if you have a love for heavy metal, Dungeons & Dragons, and anime, this is a series that should be right up your alley!

In a world… (I’ve always wanted to say that) where mankind has destroyed itself and civilization barely clings on, one man rose up and almost conquered it all. Thankfully, he was eventually sealed away in a child and the secret of unleashing his power kept a secret so that his evil would never again be unleashed. But what kind of story would this be if we just followed some lame two-bit priest who got in one lucky shot? 

 This is the story of Dark Schneider, the one who was sealed away and the events that follow once he is released to save the ones who imprisoned him 15 years ago.  He’d have his vengeance too if people would stop meddling with his plans for world domination, if his crew didn’t turn their backs on him and people would just stop kidnapping or manipulating his women!  Whoever said being evil was easy has clearly never tried.
The Good: As mentioned, if you’re a 90’s metal head who loved anime, fantasy and think that the fourth wall was made to be broken, then this is everything you could ever want in one series. Its light hearted and the series has fun with itself, even mocking the writers and whoever found it entertaining. On a side note, one of the best Anime Music Videos I’ve ever seen is to this series and is performed by the band Kamelot. When most musical groups were suing individuals for using their songs to create something, this band posted it to their website and said they were honored to be used for such a creative endeavor.

The Bad: Unfortunately, with both the anime and the manga, we’re left wanting more. The anime introduces the characters and gets you through the first story arch, hooking you and making you crave more, while the manga goes further, and it too goes unfinished leaving you to read translated manga scans online. I hate manga scans and would much rather see the hard copy series sitting on my shelf. Aside from that, the only other issue I’ve had is that younger generations don’t get a lot of the music references, resulting in me staring at them awkwardly, blinking, hoping that they geek out like I did when the lyrics to a song are used as an incantation to a world shaking spell. (I’m not that old!!!)

The WTF?!?: Clothes dissolving slime. Less coverage = Higher armor class.  Fan service for no reason.  Oh 90’s, you were so silly…

In conclusion: As I said in my opening statement, this is one of my top three anime’s of all time, so of course, it goes without saying that this gets my Atlas-K seal of approval! Check it out sometime and let me know what you think in the comment section below. With that, take it easy and I’ll see you all next time.

Alice in the Country of…Clover, Hearts, Joker, etc… (manga)

Hello my dears now it’s no secret that this lady loves Alice in Wonderland and occasionally peruses media with touches of that persuasion… With that I found this particular Alice series by Quin Rose, but I’ll admit I had no idea what I was getting into when I picked this up. Now let’s get to it my dears.

We all know how it starts, Alice falls down the rabbit hole to find herself in Wonderland. Well in this version she initially finds herself in the Country of Hearts after being kidnapped by the White Rabbit! Although not just any little fluffy thing. He comes to her in the form of a young man completely besotted with the girl. On top of that she finds herself in a most peculiar predicament… A mafia styled turf war between various role holders and their underlings that have no faces which they have in common with those on neither side but have the unfortunate lot in life to just get stuck in the middle of all of it. Although Alice being an oddity is interesting to role holders and faceless people alike…. When they are not trying to kill each other the role holders are trying to gain her favor.

The land is split into various territories that are each under control by certain ‘role holders’ those taking on the job of upholding a title given which are usually holding a domain or assisting the role holder in charge of the domain. Of course there are places in between like a somewhat neutral area (only somewhat because no one owns the areas but shootings occur every so often including some scuffles that Alice even got in the middle of but what kind of series would it be if there was no conflict?

No in all the mania poor Alice it doesn’t help that everyone is essentially as gorgeous as they are ridiculous! Even the Tweedles that call her big sister and yet they change their ages at will do get a rise out of her among ‘other things’ that they leave out… Since this is being sold at book stores like Barnes and Noble. This series already boats 45 books in total including a few books attempting multiple omnibuses for the prologue that spawns multiple stories after that! Now I only say spawn because the series utilizes every way that the store could have gone completely dependent on who Alice chooses but they take a note from multiverse theory and explore every possible option… While entertaining it’s in a way a bit tiresome.

Alice mostly endures while maintaining a sense of naiveté where she places her morals over lives and in some cases her feelings over morals as some wishy washy females do. It makes her getting into trouble quite easy which pushes along the story however, I do wish I could see a girl think more objectively than not. The sad thing is the world doesn’t see a lot of that so the characters that display those characteristics are usually portrayed as villains. The villains are usually the ones that ask ‘do the ends justify the means?’ but I digress… Anyways there are not really what are considered ‘true villains’ in this series however the role holders do go to extreme lengths to gain Alice’s attention for reasons other than she is simply different because she’s not from their world. Hm? Why else is she different? Well my dears I won’t spoil it for you.

The art is whimsical and gentle as one would typically think of for a manga chock full of bishounen. Including my favorites the Tweedles and The Cheshire Cat for this series. Now before you think to yourself ‘but she’s a Hatter! She must love the Hatter’ I would like to add though I am a Lady Hatter does not mean I have to be in love with every version. This particular Hatter is used in a way I find is not typical to the ways I have seen him used. He jokes however he mostly derives his entertainment from attempting to be seductive. Granted I know there are many facets able to be used for a Mad Hatter Persona but I feel like that version is ill fitting or simply trying too hard to be bad or perverse…. Although that’s just my observation, this version is simply just not my cup of tea so to speak.

Final verdict on this is although it is very pretty I don’t agree with the ‘method’ I suppose. If they want to have all the different versions of how things turned out based on who was chosen then it would have been better served as a dating sim. Which in all honesty would be more cost effective on both sides and still allow the writer to come up with as many routes as desired without taking the space on my bookcase. Granted I know they are drastically different I’m very certain of the market of girls of various ages being interested in an Alice in Wonderland dating sim, even more if there is some mania involved. The more interactive the better! Although not to discount the series it is still entertaining and I have my favorites among the outcomes (The Bloody Twins, Cheshire Cat). So all in all it’s an enjoyable series, not necessarily ‘hatter approved’ (only because they should condense the collection a bit more and the Hatter outlook). With that said obviously this review is even leaving me with mixed feelings but it is very pleasant read with battles as a bonus! Well with that goodnight my dears this Hatter is OUT!

Revolutionary Girl Utena (Anime | Manga)

My darlings today is the final day of the big 15!! So before I return to my cage I shall share with you one of my very first and favorite anime series Utena The Revolutionary Girl. When I was little and didn’t know my place in the world or really anything for that manner I picked up videos with my mom being drawn to a cover of a girl with two girls on it one with pink hair and the other with purple hair. At the time I didn’t know what I know now all I knew was that the man with the green hair was mean and the girl with the pink hair was the kind of person I wanted to be. So I grew up hoping to figure out what noble was and how to be strong like that pretty girl with the pink hair… Now let’s go forward and talk about Miss Utena Tenjou.

In both versions the story starts with Utena being rescued as a child and idolizing her savior a man that told her to live a noble life and that it would lead her to him. Granted the book gave a little more details about the background for the when, where and why it happened in the first place. It also delayed Utena’s entrance into Ohtori Academy. A place that she starts off in right at jump in the anime version with the one thing that never really changed… Wakaba. The clingy, love struck, idol worshipping, jealous friend of Utena. Also of note is of course Anthy Himemiya but then again what would a contest be…without a prize? Such as the Rose Bride and the power to revolutionize the world. The student council of Ohtori Academy and Utena all possess rose seal rings which are the crest for the school that unlock a place called the Dueler’s Forest shrouded in mystery. At this place duels take place to determine the ‘owner’ of the Rose Bride and the power contained within her. This is something Utena only gets involved in while defending her friend Wakaba’s honor.

In all of the versions the most changes occur with the relationship between Touga Kiryuu and Utena when she can’t quite decide what to make of him. While Utena while well-meant tries to make Anthy happy by helping her with what she believes would make the girl happy. However, naiveté and misplaced trust were often Utena’s downfall. However at the end of the day she could always rely on one friend even when events tore her and Anthy apart. He’s purple, spunky, eats everything he shouldn’t, wears a tie and earring he’s Chuchu. A tiny little purple monkey constantly at Anthy’s side often acting as a messenger or attempting to be Anthy’s protector. Who had a few side panels made specifically for him.

The art for this anime is in short no less than stunning then again it made a very strong impression on my younger self so call me biased if you must. It also had great influence from one of the other animes I have reviewed that one being The Rose of Versailles. So not only does it impress upon young girls it also leaves an impression with artists. One may even dare say… Inspiration.

When I was little this anime made want to be stronger and noble. Today I only hope I can continue to do that…. Even with the touch of naivete here and there throwing off Utena’s focus I highly recommend and Hatter Approve this anime and manga. Although I must warn about the movie and the extra manga Adolescence of Utena. Although it is beautifully drawn it is a bit of a mind fuck for different reasons for each. For the manga it’s death that brings everything into the crazy zone and for the anime… well Utena transforms into a car. After that…. I’ll admit my brain sort of exploded. I continued watching as help and obstacles were implemented but at that point… I just kind of head tilted and couldn’t stop until it was over. All in all I enjoy and again Hatter approve the series and the Adolesence of Utena… just keep in mind the car thing is more of a metaphor… I think. (I was honestly just surprised she turned into a car.) With that I also suggest the music for both sound tracks. I have them both and never regret buying them and also think it’s where my diverse repertoire of music comes from! With that my dears its time for this hatter to be OUT!

Magi (anime/manga)

Hello my dears let me tell you a little story before the review… My husband and I were discussing the name of this anime since he had the notion I was saying it improperly. This notion of his was incorrect. Since he only knew the name he assumed it was about the Maji a role passed down through blood lines to protect the tombs of pharoahs. Although he was close in hemisphere (sort of) he as usual was incorrect. While both roles are important the role of a magi for all intensive purposes is to choose kings. I found this series intriguing due to the complexity unfolding in seemingly simple characters. Such as Aladdin a young boy with a grand interest in large bosoms!!! If she has a generous pair of breasts and a nicely curved backside a girl better run! (Do I have either of those? None of your bloody business) Even with his ‘inclination’ he’s still a pure hearted loving boy that hates to see people hurt…. Even if he was tempted to snuggle into a the breasts of a dragon’s wife! (She was human)

A young boy wanders about without a care in the world, no knowledge of anything around him or even that much about himself as if sprung from the head of Zeus fully grown and his name was Aladdin. A sweet boy with a few odd items on him with a straight forward personality. Making kings of cowards and honorable warriors from slaves. Truly the work of one of unrivaled purity and kindness however, my dears let’s not confuse that for weakness or even stupidity. Since he had an interesting insight he used to see into the hearts of others. Sometimes it was from the person’s behavior other times it was from the Ruhk. The Ruhk being a force in all things and also are used to control magic. Throughout the many lands traveled such as the country of Balban, to Syndria, and even revamped Mustaseem.

Character Development: In the series the characters that undergo the most changes have to be Morgianna and Alibaba. Alibaba was the prince of Balban next to be the next king until he fled the kingdom after an incident occurred. Morgianna was a slave from the time she was a very little girl and also from a tribe from what was known as the ‘Dark Continent’ and her particular tribe the Fonalis were known for producing the fastest and strongest warriors. She broke free from the bonds of slavery with some help from Alibaba and Aladdin. She even learned how to be herself which took her a lot of time even with multiple attempts made at making her a slave again. At the same time I’ll admit Aladdin the magi that makes everything happen also at the same time makes a few changes mostly in knowledge such as training under masters and hiding his magic to become a student of a magic academy. (My Harry Potter is going off…. until the slavery kicks in…. How? Well spoilers my dears).

The art I found was very elegant in certain places but whenever a djinn was involved (especially a female) everything seemed rather flashy…including the female Djinn’s breasts. The girls utilizing the powers of the Djinn transformed however luckily the outfits were a tad more modest. I think the biggest details were put into the magical transformations and accompanying abilities. Although I do commend the designs of the dungeons such as the multitude of doors leading into the homes of various creatures, giant honey loving bears, tempting fate in a dragon’s mouth, etc…

When I initially looked at this anime and manga I was initially a little iffy about it. I just thought it was rehashed Arabian nights and was not about to give it a second thought…but as things often go I did give it that second thought. I then found a world I somewhat likened to MAR Marchen Awakens Romance only instead of magical tools the items were referred to as ‘metal vessels’ and ‘household vessels’. It was interesting learning about the various djinn and their masters. The characters were gentle but they always held the urgency for their cause. This is one of the things I didn’t like about Romeo X Juliet…. The couple was too busy fawning over eachother they always hurt everyone supporting them. Although with Magi everyone understood where they stood and what their actions could cause which ended up being the drive for most of them. All in all I find this series lovable and would even show it to a child… Hm? What was that? The exposure of breasts you say? Honestly I’ll tell you if you’re going to be a butt hurt parent over something your child and highly likely you also suckled on for nutrition then you really need to get over yourself. Breasts are natural and this whole save the children from nudity thing is garbage.

I think of it this way whatever you don’t tell your kids about early in life someone else will. May as well have them well informed. Also another thing I was the fact this is set up in a world that is middle east inspired. I think its honestly pretty cool. Do I think that it might create some static? Possibly. Also do I really care? Not really, as far as I’m concerned I don’t use one person to set the standard of what I think of a race. If someone else does honestly feel sorry for them. With that my darlings that ends day 12 of the big 15!! Have a good one my dears and this Hatter is OUT!!!

Rin-ne (anime/manga)

Darlings today is day 9 of the big 15!! Today I’m hitting up another Rumiko Takahashi piece! Although this anime is not like her too well known works InuYasha and Ramna ½. This anime is only 25 episodes long!!! With that in mind the episodes are of course piled high with everything one would expect in a Takahashi production! Now let’s get to it.

Her name was Sakura Mamiya and she could see spirits after a near death experience at a very young age. She believed she would eventually lose the ability with age but gave up on that idea when she met Rinne Rokudo. He was poor young man that never made it to class until his job of being a Shinigami without all the perks… simply because he’s half Shinigami and half human (reminiscent of InuYasha I know) he must utilize more tools than other Shinigami leaving him with very little money to live on. The two join forces and are joined by Jumonji (a childhood friend of Sakura and exorcist) and Ageha the female Shinigami constantly putting poor Rin into awkward situations with Sakura. Rinne’s primary objective is more often than not standing against the Damashigami Company run by a horrible man who would found a company benefitting from killing people before their time.

Throughout the series Rinne takes the time to learn about building relationships and has a decent knowledge of women yet has an issue with getting his thoughts across. Meanwhile Sakura demonstrates her knowledge of relationships and also some very good detective work while reaching out to Rinne. Sakura is usually a little more aloof of Rinne’s intentions however I think we are all just happy she’s not constantly fawning over InuYasha …ahem I mean Rinne every other episode. Although as you expect from a Takahashi crazy family (Rinne’s grandmother and dad), someone head over heels for the girl (Jumonji), someone head over heels for the guy (Ageha), and lots of awkward situations! Makes me feel bad for Rokumon which is a black cat that works as Rinne’s assistant (only because he’s too broke to pay for Shinigami tools all the time). Rinne starts off with a lot of vulnerabilities which makes him rely on others a little more and also helps with being able to see eye to eye with the character. Although I’ll admit it does get a little bit ridiculous when he starts crying blood over losing money.

The art is still reminiscent of InuYasha however it does have a little more playfulness to it with the creatures being faced and the use of certain abilities. Aside from that still high quality work as expected meanwhile I’m wishing the series would have been longer.

Verdict being that this series is indeed Hatter approved for characters that are well rounded in reasoning and strength both physical and mental. Hell how else would Jumonji deal with all the aloof treatment bestowed upon him by Miss Mamiya? It’s an enjoyable series even though it is a short one but good for a marathon day or even a cuddling marathon day. While discovering different life lessons given during the show (aside from Shinigami products). It’s good natured and even suitable for those with children around. Well my darlings that’s all for now happy gaming and this Hatter is OUT!

Note: I just caught the first episode of season two of this series promising new characters and a lot of laughs!!! I can’t wait to see more. (Watching this on Hulu)

Les Miserables (manga)

Hello my darlings you’ve got Glamour on day 7 of the big 15!! Today I’m covering a manga version of Les Miserables. I’ve had a slight fascination with plays and classics reimagined in manga and or anime format. To that end I remembered a manga I picked up a while ago. Now let’s get going shall we?

His name was Jean Valjean and her name was Fantine…. They started their stories apart but in the way the world treated them was the same. They were outcasts that ‘normal people’ wouldn’t want anything to do with. In desperate times Fantine needed money to care for her daughter but no one would give an unwed mother a job while No one would give Jean Valjean, former prisoner, food or a place to rest. After Jean was given a new lease on life Fantine tried to do the same after entrusting her daughter to what she thought were good people.

Throughout the story I always favored Jean Valjean versus the usual emphasis they would place upon Fantine and her daughter Cosette. Jean Valjean was a man who went mad from his mistakes in desperate times but also gave his all to protect a daughter he took under his wing. Meanwhile Cosette did not have a lot of mental development since there was more of an emphasis on her suffering at the hands of her ‘caregivers’. The story did somewhat hit on the history and the original play and I found it for the most part highly accurate versus let’s say Romeo and Juliet versus its manga/anime version Romeo X Juliet.

The artwork was not particularly interesting aside from the contrast from poorer conditions to better ones. One such condition may be the changes underwent by Fantine when she lost her teeth, her hair, and her dignity. All in all I very much enjoyed the book and the fact it didn’t deviate a lot from the other versions of Le Miserables I’ve seen. I also like that this like Romeo X Juliet (although more accurate than Romeo X Juliet) invites newer generations to witness the classics. Especially with the emphasis on true suffering because let’s face it…. ‘Newer’ generations are oblivious to what true suffering is or what true strength is. I don’t know everything about either one but one small book is a good start. With that my darlings don’t be like Javert at the end of the book/play/story and good night my dears this Hatter is out!!

Pinocchio Vampire Slayer (manga)

Hello my darlings and welcome to day five of the big 15! Today I take you down memory lane for a little while to the stories where a little puppet could become a real boy and live happily with his father. However what happened after the boy and his father escaped the whale? I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t expect to wander around a mall in another country and find something that would catch my eye so much that I would have to say ‘to hell with ordering on amazon I want to read this!’ (certain stores in other countries ramp up prices so hard its ridiculous… Would you like a new PS4? Well then you’re in luck you just paid off Joe Schmoe’s house!) Anyways to the topic at hand let’s get going!

After Pinocchio settled down with his father, Gepetto notices strange shadows and murders in the dark… He tried to warn the townspeople but it went as well as Belle telling Gaston that a beast kept his daughter captive… Not well. Not even his own son believed him which only made one day particularly painful. Gepetto was murdered while trying to protect his son by the creatures he tried to protect everyone from. After his father fell the creatures tried to come after Pinocchio until quite by accident he found out that the wood he was made of could kill them. How? Well after a couple of lies and killing vampires was not difficult to manage. The story utilizes a few select modifications to the original story and follows through with the addition of a few characters. The fox and cat that tried to scam Pinocchio, the Blue Fairy, and Jiminy all show up after being given slightly darker versions. Although I’ll admit I liked that they included the puppets from the Fire Eater’s show as main personalities.

Throughout the book (majorly thick manga) the characters are thoroughly explained and also deal with their own burdens to bear but still manage to maintain a positive outlook which is difficult not to do with a cast of performers traveling with you. Pinocchio goes through a lot of changes figuring out a lot about his and the other puppets pasts which inevitably reveal what their futures will be. The book itself even with the grim style still does more than just ‘manage a chuckle’. The story is well balanced between humor, suffering, etc… Honestly I stifled many a chuckle just from Jiminy talking with the harbingers of death or Pinocchio’s lies have odd outcomes “Your mother has a mustache!!….Why didn’t my nose grow?”

The art has a clean style yet still pulls off being dark very well. It’s a very versatile style which is pretty enough for a love scene but still holds enough detail to put an emphasis on suffering, injuries, death, etc… When all is said and done I very much enjoyed this manga and its alternate storyline of how Pinocchio came to be and the involvement of the Blue Fairy. Also love the way that the side characters are not watered down or downplayed. This book will keep one busy for a good while and is always a good read in my humble opinion and thusly I name it Hatter Approved! Now my dears after all that remember don’t take your support characters for granted and rock out my dears because this Hatter is OUT!!

Loveless (Manga/Anime)

Hello my dearlings today is day four of the big 15! Today I go after a manga with too short a run as an anime (12 episodes only covering the first 4 books). Loveless follows the life of a boy named Ritsuka in a version of Japan where virginity is symbolized by the possession of cat ears and a tail. I was drawn to this story once upon a Barnes and Noble during my angsty youth. When all of the emotions everyone else felt freely seemed safer just to keep inside until… One could not quite tell just who they were anymore. In a way this book struck a chord with me from multiple character angles the kind girl that everyone took advantage of (Yuiko), the weakling ( Yayaoi ), and the cold outcast that finds it safest to keep all away (Ritsuka). Now I’ll admit this manga has yaoi tendencies but honestly don’t let that deter you. Now let’s get going!

In this dark place he finds little solace with family after the death of his brother Seimei while living with their abusive mother. She sends her remaining son to therapy claiming he was no longer the son she knew… Life seemed hopeless and confusing until Agatsuma Soubi arrived. He only needed to say he was a friend of Seimei and Ritsuka took to him like a duck to water even while dealing with Soubi’s eccentric disposition. Ritsuka takes up Soubi as an ally to figure out the secrets behind Seimei’s death.

Ritsuka happens upon a world seeming quite separate from his own one his brother knew and wielded Soubi as blade and shield in while utilizing magic. While maturing their relationship Ritsuka learned to fight by commanding Soubi and learning his place as a sacrifice. Now before I go any further allow me to explain this. In this ‘world’ everyone is paired by names the names that paired Seimei and Soubi were Beloved. In this pairing Seimei served as sacrifice which is the unit that takes damage for the team which is represented by restraints. When the sacrifice of a team is completely bound that team has lost. The fighter unit is the other half of the team casting spells under the direction of his or her sacrifice unit with words strewn and tied together to create the spells. Each fighter unit is allowed only one sacrifice… usually.

In the book you meet Ritsuka and witness a young very chesty young lady try to make friends with the somber young boy… Meanwhile Ritsuka learns to make friends with more than just his therapist while fearing oblivion. Soubi overcomes everything he’s ever known while finding something dear to protect in Ritsuka while his reasons change for doing so. However… Surprise! Surprise! When its revealed that sometimes even Soubi doesn’t know as much as he thinks he does.

The art is edgy enough to attract although still maintains a touch of whimsy on each page utilizing effects. The characters prove to be of various dynamics and personalities. The battle system even seems to kick in a bit of favorable influence which at times proved a little interesting and even funny. Soubi being attacked by things resembling toy ducks and shielding a sacrifice with something resembling a jungle gym. Each paired units had their own styles of fighting and brought various effects to the fight.

I very much enjoyed this book and I have missed reading it since I kept it with my family during my time abroad. As far as the continuation of the book well. I’ll have to admit I’m not certain when Yun Kouga will release more books. The timings seem to be somewhat erratic in my opinion but definitely worth waiting for. Although this may not be a book for everyone I do give this manga my Hatter Seal of approval and with a good conscience. Also of note, I do not support abuse of any kind although I do support discipline. Being able to tell the two apart is a very easy distinction. If you have been abused or know someone who may be abused don’t be afraid to talk to that person and if they need and will accept help its not a bad thing to step up. You might be the only one that notices, cares, or is even willing to listen. Food for thought my dears because this Hatter is OUT!

Romeo X Juliet (anime/manga)

Day three of the big 15 and my birthday!! Today’s anime is Romeo X Juliet! It also has a manga adaptation I am honestly fonder of than the anime at this time… I love Shakespeare’s work however I am also a bigger fan of innovation. So seeing this was a mix of love and hate at the same time. Everyone speaks in the language favored by the original creator however the events changed drastically. Now let’s get going!

The location is Neo Verona (simply means New Verona) where people right on a breed of Pegasus known as dragon steeds and young girls are hunted for having red hair… Charged with possibly being the long lost daughter of the fallen house of Capulet. Standing for justice and the people is The Red Whirlwind brandishing his sword to protect the weak. Although his life means more to the people than even he knows living at a playhouse occasionally working as an extra in William’s plays. As Juliet hides herself for a fate unknown to her after the slaughter of her family by the house of Montague. Romeo on the other hand of gentle face and gentle heart. Forced into an engagement by his father although I’ll have to admit Romeo has the temperament of a shy school boy with a crush.

Juliet already aware of the situation of Neo Verona only strengthens her resolve upon learning the wrong done to her slaughtered family mother, father, brothers, etc… She was already fighting the nobility in her own way but the only thing she had to learn to deal with during her fight was the stirrings of love for the son of her enemy. On the very day she receives her birthright…. All this is a bit hard to swallow for a girl of only 16. Although in the midst of avenging her family everyone almost forgot to mention the tree tied to the Capulet family and the existence of Neo Verona itself save possibly the fortunes and fair health reaped from its use. The only thing is I expected more technology or at least more than a wisp of magic to be a factor with this ‘New Verona’. The grand tree was simply not enough for me. Although Juliet springing into action for the noble cause of saving the people of Neo Verona did make me smile. By the by though the manga was indeed thick the anime puts more focus on the side characters such as Hermione, Romeo’s betrothed and even Juliet’s top warrior Curio.

The artwork is clean and simple with a nice adaptation of using period esque clothing. The only thing that I think would work towards the innovation of the art style would be the creatures known as dragon steeds and possibly the architecture of Neo Verona. Of note the swap over to Irises was quite refreshing. All in all I do like that it might inspire younger viewers to seek out the original story. I’ll admit a habit for watching movies and reading the books the stories came from to find the differences. It is a gentle story even with the blood feud and shed. One I very much like however I can’t truly… Hatter approve it when it seems to lack a sense of urgency from the star-crossed lovers themselves. In heroes and heroines even with at stake the main characters take more thought with their actions because they know that they act not only for themselves but for everyone involved. I didn’t see that urgency with Romeo and Juliet in the anime which is runs like ‘hey love birds when you’re done fawning over each other and your own sorrow maybe you can actually I don’t know help us fight?”. The book I found a bit better and cuts the fluff. Well with all that said I’ll be onto another topic tomorrow my dears! This Hatter is out!