Long Time No See I know -.-‘

Hello my dears Glamour here and I just wanted to send you guys an update since I’ve been gone for ….. what feels like forever. I have been trying to get back into putting more content but everything keeps getting crazy every five seconds (figuratively not literally). I’ve still been playing games but its more to chill myself out versus putting up content since I’ll be honest. Your girl is having a hard time keeping it together. I have a lot of support but could always use more (I could always also use more comments like yays, nays, stuff you want to see {hint, hint, major nudge}). I have also been thinking about doing storytimes just so you can see just how crazy my life really is and maybe get a kick out of it. All in all just wanted to say yes I am here, yes I am alive, and yes I will put up more content again slowly but surely as I get out of what I can only really call a rut. Anyways that’s all for this I’m probably going to go play .hack GU for a while then take my odd ass to bed… because reasons. Goodnight my dears.


Chaika The Coffin Princess (anime)

In the shadows of a stormy night a girl mourns the loss of a man she only knew as father… While we mourn the loss of a proper vocabulary… The girl’s name is Chaika Trabant and her mission is to gather the remains of her father the Former Emperor of the Gaz Empire who was killed by eight warriors named as the Eight Heroes after his defeat.

Chaika is a sweet naive girl with a not so great sense of direction but possesses great skill with the weapon she keeps in the coffin she keeps slung on her back a gun type magic tool referred to as a gundo which helps her out after she meets her first ally Toru. Toru is a young man trained as a saboteur which is a specialized fighter trained in an isolated village which is essentially makes them ninjas for hire. Toru  while in a bit of a money slump since a peaceful time without war leaves him without employment until he discovers Chaika wearing her coffin with disjointed speech patterns lost in the forest. After they fight together against a dangerous creature (a unicorn of all things) she resolves to hire him and right after his sister beats him up for going to eat without her she joins the group as well. Akari is also a saboteur as well but also has a crush on her brother and gets violent when he shows affection to other females (they are not related by blood). After their first job of retrieving a ‘special’ item for Chaika from the house of one of the Eight Heroes Akari and Toru find out she is the late Emperor’s daughter and that she is being hunted in her pursuit for her father’s remains.

Despite all the firepower thrown her way she still continues with her task to gather her father’s remains for the sole purpose of conducting a funeral.  Eventually they are joined by a dragoon named Frederica on their journey along with a bunch of other interesting characters and even seeing different sides of Chaika in ways she was not even initially aware of!

Now the story while it revolves around fetching a dead man’s body parts it is more about the nature of mankind especially when they get ahold of power which of course comes with possessing the remains of the former Emperor and are able to be used as magical fuel. The stories go as simply as questioning one’s own identity all the way to trying to figure out what makes a kid so twisted that he is actually motivated by mass murder, torture, and overall carnage….? In essence do the ends justify the means is a question that always put forth in this series and oddly enough not really struggled through save by Chaika herself.

I love watching her try to make her way while still valuing her friends even if they try to see her as simply their employer when they obviously think the world of her. In a way it feels like Scrapped Princess  with much better capability in battle and  more of a lolita charm. Toru of course makes subtle changes throughout figuring out what his priorities are with Chaika as his boss and also usually the one to lug around the coffin. Akari doesn’t really make any changes but she is essentially the one that watches out for Chaika while Toru takes on whatever the main threat is. They make a crazily good team but of course a little silver haired wizard throwing in her magic doesn’t necessarily hurt either ;). All in all I love this anime and I would be fine with showing it to a child… All ‘sensitive’ areas are covered up for the people in denial about that sort of thing and even though they show the aftermath of some torture and the murdering of creatures the blood is not bad at all really compared to almost anything kids already see on a screen anyways.

This anime is a nice break from the school girl genre of anime and even though its weird hearing Chaika’s disjointed speech her entire personality more than makes up for it!! So without question this anime is Hatter Approved my dears!! So goodnight my loves don’t forget to  like, share, subscribe, and comment!!

Momo Kyun Sword (anime)

Hello my dears! This anime I’m running with takes it roots from a piece of old Japanese folklore about a young boy born from a peach that was raised by a couple that wanted a child but could not bear one. When he grew up he befriended a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant and won a great victory over the marauding demons causing everyone trouble! The boy’s name was Momotaru and named thusly because he was born from a peach. Now let’s get going! To start off instead of a little boy a little girl was born from the peach and grew into a beautiful busty woman with a knack for combat by the name of Momoko. However in her early days and even as a young lady she has been watched over by the same accompanying creatures as the male version Inugami the dog, Sarugami the monkey, and Kijigami the pheasant who assist her in battle on their own and also by fusing with her to trigger a transformation which is called Momokyun possession.

After growing up happy with her adoptive parents she is called upon by Sumeragi Tennyo (a big boss in the Celestial Realm) to collect pieces of a powerful item known as the Michimi Peach before the oni do to prevent mayhem and chaos and whatnot. Anyways to do this she discovers on her journey celestial maidens to help her collect the pieces along with of course her three animal companions that have not left her side since her birth. Now it is only fair to mention at this point that of course she does not go unopposed in this since Onihime (which translates into Oni princess) is collecting the peach for her father the Oni king and makes it her mission not only to collect the pieces of the Michimi Peach but to also take on a rivalry with Momoko but that’s not to say they can’t see eye to eye sometimes.

What I really like about this anime is that it is not constantly 100 percent combat and leaves room for the cute zany parts of anime that make you smile. Of course the story has the self discovery, the cool combat scenes, and of course the risque outfits that show a lot of Momoko’s chest which all make it pretty fun but I have to admit one of the best episodes is when she took a day off at the beach to chill out with Onihime….(until they found a piece of the peach then it was on) and the episode where getting a piece of the peach was completely dependant on Momoko and the other maidens sacrificing their underwear. Anyways gives a not so heavy look at things but still has at least a couple heavy parts to keep the conflict interesting. It’s not my favorite anime but it is pretty decent and lighthearted for the most part!  Goodnight my dears for now and don’t forget to comment, like, subscribe, and share!!

Scrapped Princess (anime)

Hello my darlings you’ve got Glamour and I’ve got something interesting for you! You know all those cute shows where a child is born and there are great expectations for its future! This is one of those however it has one big difference from the get go….Everyone in this story save a select few think this prophesized child like Voldemort is the end of the world as they know it! Now to explain there was a prophecy told about the daughter of the royal family that would destroy their world so she was to killed straight away especially before reaching the age of 16. They assigned a knight to throw the innocent babe into a ravine.

The child survived and thrived under the care of her adopted family being raised as Pacifica Cassule. However after her adopted parents died protecting her the task was passed to her brother Shannon and sister Raquel Cassule. WIth that task passed on and the continued rumor that the princess still lives even 15 years later! Although the stigma would not be complete without a nickname that terrified the entire kingdom which gave birth to ‘The Scrapped Princess’.  However not everyone is treating her like dummies treat pitbulls and other big dogs. She makes a few friends and bit by bit realizes her potential and strengths. Of course it doesn’t hurt that her sister Raquel can cast military grade magic and her brother is skilled in combat which of course gets expanded upon within the series.

The background shows a lack of tech influence save with weaponry and ruined architecture. When they have certain doomsday grade weapons and also combat systems it shows crazy jumps in tech including genetic manipulation which shows that mankind was able to do a lot however during some big incident mankind was pushed far far back left without all of the advances made prior and new idols such as Browning as the ‘Devil’ and Mauser which is essentially God for this series. Of course there are a lot more pieces to the story the only thing I will share at this point is that Browning is likened more than the apple in the Garden of Eden where the fruit of knowledge is forbidden (thank you atheism) thusly effectively keeping people ignorant because they don’t question anything. Anyways the most growth is shown by the girl protecting others by being ready to lay her life down but still bordering on the self fulfilling prophecy of dying to make other people’s lives easier but still remaining nice and cute with the temper of a feisty kitten that demands attention on her own terms. However most of the character building is based on her effect on the people around her since she even befriends those that originally tried to kill her.

The art is pretty typical save the great job they did at making some of the elements of the more modern elements blend in as ruins or made it blend in with the magic elements that make it seem almost typical. All in all the anime is cute and short enough to keep you busy for a while. Mostly the way that people blindly follow either Mauser and or Browning without really thinking of what they really stand for just reminds me how happy I am to be an atheist… Anyways with that out of the bag I respect religion until something stupid is said or people try to push it down my throat. So anyone leaving comments to that shouldn’t be surprised with the responses they get! ^.^ And with that I say goodnight my dears don’t forget to like, comment, share and subscribe!!

Hina Logic From Luck and Logic (anime)

Hello my dears you’ve got Glamour and today I’m going through another combat school anime. They are coming out of the woodwork like pregnancy announcements after prom. Anyways moving on! This particular anime is about a princess by the name of Yelistratova Liones known as Lion for short. She runs off from home because it is recognized that she has the skill necessary to become a logicalist a person that shares her body with a being from another dimension to make use of its power mostly in combat of course complete with a different cute lil outfit with each contract made. Anyways the person does this within a state commonly referred to as a trance. This is because they give a fair amount of control to the otherworldly being referred to as a ‘foreigners’. It seems odd but it is at least used in a realistic fashion because they mention that foreigners can be good and bad versus being…. Okay not pushing that one moving on.

Now back to Miss Lion she arrives at school and makes a contract with her first foreigner within the first day with no prior experience. She makes friends easily with the other students including some that were training and taking a break from the ALCA which is essentially a police force with these nifty magical esque girls. They are trained liked school girls with intensive sparring sessions.

Mostly the events are slice of life with a little crazy involved events that are usually tame end up manic such as parent visits, school functions, and even valentine’s day chocolate goes oddly haywire. However more to the combat side Lion turns out to be a savant as a logicalist able to easily make contracts and learn the various combat styles and well I might add however it leaves her open to being overcome by the foreigner she shares her body with due to an increased empathy for her partners. She even takes time to learn from her partners  in a capacity most others don’t. As for the art it’s cute, it’s bubbly and the most intriguing things about it are the beginning sequence where they have the paper versions of the  girls with their transformations  complete with effects and of course the transformations themselves. All in all I like this anime it’s pretty typical… GIrl runs  from home, girl makes friends, girl struggles, and overcomes major issue with her highly developed skills. If you like another school centered anime with combat implications it’ll do the job. Not really feeling one way or the other about this anime I just really liked the cute outfits. Later loves this Hatter is out!! Don’t forget to like, comment and share!!

Fox Spirit Matchmaker (anime/tapas)

Hello my dears you’ve got Glamour and today I’m running through reincarnated love!! And no I’m not talking about Inuyasha…. Love them but that is a can of shouting back and forth at knuckleheads is not what I want to deal with today. Anyways we start with  the Tosan clan  the sexy little fox demons that can talk you into signing over your house, car, and possibly selling off your own children to make them some cash. I don’t know if Shippo would approve but these girls don’t seem to mind because this clan  even help if  you’re already in love with a youkai then they can help you reunite upon your reincarnation just swear your love on an item have the fox use magic to break it in half and upon your reincarnation put the two pieces of item together and matchmade! Complete with memories of your previous life!

Now normally this is a run of the mill job for the Tosan clan save in the case of Suusu. She’s a kitsune with the appearance of a small child and no real demonic power. She is  determined to become an excellent fox spirit through being a matchmaker. However her sister the Queen of the Tosan clan is not fond of the idea so she sets her up with an arranged marriage which Suusu does not take well. In her flight to try to find her first matchmaking assignment she meets Haku Gessho a very poor desperate young man with strong spiritual power, a sweet tooth, and is possibly the reincarnation of a very strong monk from 500 years ago. He is so poor he literally eats grass and Suusu pays him in candy… Which she is usually never short of oddly enough. Now I know what you’re thinking aside from carrying candy all the time why do we care about this kid? Easy. She’s also a reincarnation of another powerful being from 500 years ago.

Instantly Suusu becomes fast friends with Gessho Haku and despite being of limited power for the time being she manages to control Haku with promises of candy (even if he is taking advantage) and being adorable. However no matter how dysfunctional this duo seems they make matches that leave their clients thankful enough to come to their aid in strife and Haku is even strong enough to earn the notice of the Unification League  (and also their favorite punching bag) from a young age. Oddly enough I just keep thinking of Noragami everytime I watch this anime because this kid is so broke. However all the small talk aside everyone is waiting for these amazing superbeings from people everyone originally wrote off… (sounds like most of my life).  

So if you love well love and watching an awkward pair make other awkward pairs find love as some unseen forces try to sabotage it this is for you. Hm? What about the unseen forces? Well it happens during Suusu’s matches someone in the shadows sends demons to stop her matches by eating their love and controlling the lovers turning them against eachother!! Although they couples usually make it through and you get to hear the story of their perseverance, love, and the struggles they go through to get back what they had before their loved one unfortunately died.

The art style is cute on both the anime and the web comic however I prefer sticking to the crunchyroll over here but the web comic has it’s own charm  just don’t forget you need  tapas coins to unlock each chapter on the tapastic app (link )!! The demons are a bit interesting in design…. Apparently the importance of the demon is in almost every case matched by their breast size showing (Queen of the Tosan fox clan is stacked/jk) and I’m still curious about the servant demons in use especially the heart melting giant bunnies seen everywhere in this series~!!!!!  Granted I’ve been dying for a puppy I can get the image of the giant cart pulling bunnies from this series out of my head!!

All in all this is a cute anime that is luckily not another school anime….(if I watch another school based anime within the next month I’m going to carve out my own liver and feed it to an eagle…) and gives me something refreshing to write on that makes me laugh and smile at the corner of my mouth. Now I bid thee goodnight my dears I have to join the furballs (cats) in my bed and don’t forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe my dears!



Gungrave (anime)

Hello my dears! Glamour here and watching this anime I’ve been feeling like I’ve been taking shots all day… No seriously I’m about to die from a heavy case of lead poisoning with this anime. Why guns? Well because it is all about dealing with the mafia! A young girl named is on the run seeking help from a man that was a friend of her mother’s that goes by the name of Brandon Heat or as he soon is referred to as is Beyond The Grave or ‘Grave’ for short. She finds this man and notifies her that her mother was murdered by the leader of the mafia organization called Millenion. Now after a couple of kick ass fights the timeline takes a leap backward over 15 years to when Grave was just Brandon running the streets with his punk friends including a guy named Harry MacDowel. The series switches completely to the timeline showing the progression of Harry and Brandon from the street to executives in… you guessed it Millenion. Since the two each found their own strides since Harry always had a silver tongue and Brandon going from brawling to becoming an expert gunman or ‘sweeper’. However after his death he was brought back from the dead able to take on others brought back from the dead. These beings have two types the orgman which has no will of its own and the Superiors which are much more powerful, each have their own special abilities based on their own strengths, and of course keep their own sense of self. However Brandon doesn’t necessarily fall into either category since he was made by a different scientist with different capabilities.

The storyline also follows Brandon’s sweetheart Maria who lives with her uncle until he dies while protecting Brandon. The girl being alone in the world until the boss of Millenion takes her in a man known as Big Daddy. Of course this is a completely different management body than the leader that sends his men to kill a 15 year old girl claiming there would be issues with his succession or claim to the organization (obvious lie). So now that all the other explanation is out of the way I’ll get to why I really like this anime. Brandon Heat.

He is that strong silent type with a capacity to be rough and kind as need be. At first when I saw him I thought was mute but he uttered a few two word phrases proves the contrary. He time after time does what is right according to his claim of being loyal to his loved ones those being Harry since childhood, Maria after love at first sight, Big Daddy after he takes him under his wing, and the Iron Code of Millenion the family that gave his life purpose. However he doesn’t hesitate to take Mika under his care. Now I’ll admit Mika doesn’t have a great amount of influence but she does bring out some of the nurturing qualities in Grave even causing him to crack a smile once or twice. Which made him look gentle and sweet even while riddled with bullets.


The art style is somewhat reminiscent of Trigun for his outfit since his outfit is very…. Flared out? Don’t get me wrong he was still hot as hell with his massive muscles and long silver fox hair I’m still wondering who came up with the outfit….  However it is still in a modern setting for the majority of the series in addition to ruined locations.

All in all I love this anime and watching the changes in Brandon throughout and his unwavering loyalty I can only relate to a knight fighting for the kingdom he has sworn to protect. It’s a story of brothers in arms, love, hate, loyalty, betrayal, and feelings that transcend death with the added bonus of bringing people back from the dead which turns them into machines forged for the sole purpose of combat. This anime strikes my heart and the ending broke it into tiny little pieces…. So I warn you if you have a heart this anime will surely break it… This anime is undoubtedly Hatter approved…. I bid thee goodnight my dears…. I need a tub of green tea icecream and a mug cupcake to aid my broken heart. Although of course it might mend faster if you guys remember to comment, like, share, and subscribe… Goodnight.

A Centaur’s Life (anime)

Hello my dears!! Glamour here and let’s get another slice of life shall we? It’s an odd anime I bring to you today A Centaur’s Life! There all sorts of altered creatures that run about Angelfolk, Draconids (I originally thought it was a demon), fauns, mermaids, antarticans (snakelook/bird construction), ‘frenchmen’(froglike), and of course centaurs. They all live in harmony in a Japan only again with no ‘normal’ people. The story centers around the Centaur female Himeno Kimihara. A sweet girl with a gifted rack and frequently referred to as princess because of her name. The size of her chest is one of the normal attributes of her race and her name is reminiscent of her family’s history along with her hair color since in this series red haired centaurs are rare save in her family line. She is frequently seen with her two best friends Nozomi Gokuraku a tomboy draconid, who helps her family out with their dojo and Kyouko Naraku a faunus female who assists her father with the family business. The anime follows Himeno on her day to day but also takes time to branch off into other character’s stories from time to time for emphasis on cultural structure.

For instance the story follows Manami Mitama race Angelfolk to give the emphasis on the life of a hard working female student that doubles her workload taking care of her family members both with child rearing and keeping up the family shrine. One of those girls that goes above and beyond in all aspects.

However one of my favorite diverts is when they follow around the mermaidfolk after a class fieldtrip since the values were completely different from others on land in terms of modesty. The mermaid females usually go around without covering their chests (male and female). There is a conversation between male and female mer-students that denote the males thinking the female land students were much more attractive because they covered their chests up versus the female breasts of their classmates that they see out jiggling every day even though their classmates possess much bigger breasts. Of course, the male mer-students additionally also thought the behavior of being shy about their breasts was actually attractive in and of itself. Now this is not all just about breasts no matter how many times the word appears in this…or how often I say it. Bottom line is its all about values and ways of living.

Another example leads heavy into the character development and the flexibility of the art style for the series. The introduction of Su-chan the Antarctican and recent transfer to Himeno’s class. Since she and Himeno are the tallest females in class they obviously must sit in the back together but Himeno is terrified of Su-chan because a stigma held by the other ‘races’ because Antarcticans resemble snakes which is primo fodder for scary movies. Which of course is the equivalent to watching ‘IT’ or ‘Chucky’ as a kid and steering clear of Clowns or certain sections of Spencers around Halloween time. Eventually they clarify a lot of things about her culture and body construction including that even though she looks like a snake her body is closer in construction to that of a bird. In a way the entire scenario revolved around overcoming perceptions, almost racism, and accountability. Which sort of hit heavy especially with the follow up some episodes later that go into concentration camps and possible terrorism…

This I admit sort of surprised me a lot since everything took a rather serious tone for two episodes. So far it is light but still hard hitting in certain areas which makes for a promising event sequence to come!  Of course bringing up important questions including one of the first I had being ‘how do centaurs even put on pants?’ (answered on episode 7). Which brings an interesting idea about the art since they can accommodate the different races even down to putting a sleeve on a mermaid tail while being carried around land or commercial that appears during the anime denoting a prototype walking device to assist merfolk with walking on land.

All in all this is an enjoyable anime that is gentle enough to smile with but still gives you the hard truth of the world in a very constructive way. I can hatter approve this anime with a clean conscience. The characters are relatable and the scenarios take us out of our comfort zone but making it seem not as direct since race is defined differently in this series. Well that’s all for now my dears goodnight and this Hatter is OUT!

Restaurant To Another World (anime)

Hello my dears Glamour here and this anime is responsible for making my stomach try to eat itself….and tempting me to ruin my wallet…. This is Restaurant to Another World! Now first off what do you think of when you think of a restaurant? Do you think of a buffet where you stuff yourself into a food coma? Do you think of your first date with that special someone? Your first job? Well in this anime you’re dealing with all of these scenarios and then some. Now let’s get started.

A man simply referred to as Master runs his café known as the ‘Western Restaurant Nekoya’ although they really serve a little bit of everything. Every seven days the door to his restaurant appears in multiple locations all over in another dimension or ‘world’. Bringing different kinds of patrons; humans, mermaids, dragons, wizards from the desert, fairies and even princesses! Even his newest hire is a sweet demon girl that couldn’t get and or keep jobs just because she’s part demon even though she’s a hard worker.

Aletta is an adorable demon girl that found herself walking through the café door completely by accident only to be offered a fresh set of clothes, a shower, food, and a job. Granted the job is only every seven days it has opened up opportunities for her and gained protection from one of the restaurant patrons. Everyone else is introduced according to their favorite dish while their story is told. Usually they get half of an episode named after what they like. Like the dragon that covets the Restaurant orders Beef Stew, A princess that arrives loves parfaits but refers to them as ‘clouds’, and the dwarves like Fried Seafood with their Beef and Whisky. Obviously there are quite a few more but those are the ones that immediately come to mind when I think of this anime.

The development takes place in each character arc but it is very subtle since most of the emphasis is the person’s realization about this food and how apparently it is so utterly magnificent. Some forge bonds over the food attempt alliances, argue which food is best, etc…. Usually the most insightful material revolves around Aletta coming into her own in the other world and in the restaurant. However there are a few other promising stories but none match my wavelength as well as hers.

Anyways moving on the art is interesting since they use a bunch of different types of creatures and bringing them all into such a chill background. A half man/lion creature about to go to a gladiator fight, a man dying from hunger on a deserted island, a mermaid with the ability to give herself dragon legs to move on land, etc… are all brought together and even if they can’t come back for a while they always manage a way to return and always in much better shape since they have reasons to go on and get better in some aspect of their character. Although redirecting to the art style it must be said that the way the food looks is hard to put into words…. It looks good enough to make my stomach rumble. To be honest if my partner in ‘crime’ didn’t order food I would not have made it through watching this anime.

In summary it is a very well thought through anime with emphasis on life improvement and value with only like 10 seconds of actual fighting at this point… (episode 10/ People drawing their weapons at the door being startled does not count as fighting obviously). Although the series really doesn’t need fighting I am curious about the habits of the lizard people and their tournament to determine who goes through the door every ‘Day of Satur’ to pick up the take out. However I know it would kind of defeat the purpose of the anime since it is all about bringing people of different walks of life together. Even the lonely outcast likes somewhere to belong once in a while…. Hm? What is that? Fuck you I’m not crying…let’s finish this… It’s a heartwarming anime and okay for the kids since they censor out the ‘naughty bits.’ Admittedly there is a little bit of swearing but let’s be honest usually kids hear worse in their homes and schools so forget the entire ‘save the children’ spiel. Although I’m giving you guys ample warning DO NOT WATCH THIS ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!!! It is a horrible idea and I don’t want you guys commenting that Glamour turned you guys into fat kids because you watched Master pour the sauce on his steak and you ran to a Ponderosa afterwards. Anyways goodnight my dears!! Glamour is out!

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (3DS)

Hello my dears Glamour here and I’m running Fire Emblem this week and I can not put this shit down!!! Unless I have to go to work or sleep…. then I cry myself to sleep…. Just kidding anyways. I love Fire Emblem and this one does not disappoint however it does try your patience a bit now let’s get going!!

You start off with the story of two kids and their childhood friends in a small village no one really cares about unless there is a Princess hiding there. Alm is the grandson of a knight sworn to protect princess of Zofia on the run Celica. However of course that’s not the first place they search since Valentia is essentially their world with two major nations with their own patron deities Zofia with the Goddess Mila and Rigel with the God Duma. They fought until they could finally agree that the fighting was not really good for anyone until Rigel decided to get greedy hence the princess going into hiding. Anyways after an incident at the village it is decided by her protector that she must be moved far away from the village and Alm. Who make this cute promise to be together again someday… Pardon me while I check for cavities.  Anyways they skip forward to adulthood when the country has gone to crap and the old king and Celica’s father is pronounced dead. A resistance known as the Deliverance shows up looking for members so you and your friends sign up like kids at MEPs without all the fun tests. Moving on. You also get a sort of introduction to what happened to Celica over the years and after they meet up you officially have to start juggling…. Now before I get too deep into that we’ll get into some character dev right quick…

So obviously the change from the years is a given but the real development comes from the conversations on the battlefield. Which are a bit annoying because I got a little comfy with the aspect of being able to have my own base to build up from Birthright where it also allowed you to chat up and build relationships as you wish. This version doesn’t really give you that freedom but at least they do allow different dynamics like the gay archer in love with his Paladin on Celica’s team.

Now the battle system is mostly the same save what you can equip beforehand and the ‘redo dial’. When you are prepping your teams you can only have them hold one item. They don’t get to have weapons and accessories or anything else cool and customizable…. yippee…. Granted the items are good but not great enough that I wouldn’t prefer to have my old slots back. Also they changed the way the map works since you have to simultaneously control two units with only one able to move at a time… They can add units to the map that move around which means if you don’t go into a dungeon or into combat you could very well get one of your units sideswiped.

Usually the consequence is not that bad so don’t freak you just end up going second and your forces are a little more spread out than normal. Now about the redo dial you end up with an item that allows you a limited number of uses where you can scroll back if you screw up in battle. You find cogs to turn the wheel. The wheel is also used for memory prisms which are just the game’s way of saying cut scenes. It’s easy to pick all this up and the graphics are not different from any of the other umteen games FE has put out. Still impressive, still fun, etc… Even if you took out a bunch of stuff including the job system.

Now with the job system I like the part where after you set on a path you have to earn your job changes however you have to go to a statue of Mila to do it…. Which is a pain in the ass… You can also offer the ‘servant’ food to get rid of fatigue which can affect your fighters’ performance. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

This game is obviously a great time kill with no end of enemies to keep you entertained. Granted it makes me watch to play birthright more because I liked having my options. Now don’t get me wrong I like the game but let’s be honest you can’t even scroll through your units in battle you have to dpad all the way over there… but luckily they did add smart end so your turn ends right after everyone on your team goes even though you have to make it so in settings and of course you can end your turn prior. Right now I’m still going through it but the story is not making me cry like when the lost prince or princess saw his mother die in the middle of town in birthright and I don’t have sheer hatred for the enemy because he used some poor kid. The story is a bit predictable so in a couple ways this game kinda stepped backwards to me save the dungeon aspect which has me maintaining a bit of hope. Along with the ‘earning’ the right to class change but I love a story that makes me feel. This game is just not making me feel. Anyways don’t let me kill your buzz just keep all that in mind. Good night my dears and don’t forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe!!!

Oh and sidenote my dears if you get this game don’t choose the option where your characters stay dead… The only way to get characters otherwise is to get them via DLCs…. They even took away the idea of having children… it saddened me to the point where I went back to the other version of Fire Emblem where I married my butler and had his little butler babies! Goodnight dears!